Saturday, December 28, 2019

Network Security Policy Statements For Few Dimensions Of...

Contents 1. Overview 2. Purpose 3. Scope 4. Policy 5. Roles and Responsibilities 6. Appendix 7. References Overview: Network security has taken most important role in any organization functioning. Now a days, many organizations are largely dependent upon networks for their business operations. As networks gained importance, the protection of networks has become a huge challenge to organizations. Network security policy came into existence in order to protect the networks from intrusions, virus, and malware. In order to have a good level of network security in organization, the policy should focus on all the network extents. Furthermore having a proper network design and management, authentication and†¦show more content†¦Operational Policy: Network security policy should contain below policy statements. Authentication: Network security process starts with authentication concept, where user ID and password provided to authenticate a user. Specific authentication should be required for different areas of network i.e., servers, LAN, remote access, wireless communication etc. Because when user has only one username and password, it can be easily detected by hackers and having separate authentication credentials can decrease the threats. Organization has to follow appropriate authentication mechanisms, which includes tokens and cryptographic techniques when accessing the host applications, services and data through external connections .Network manager has to take responsibility of providing authorization to users. Network Addressing and Architecture: Effective management of potential threats are dependent upon network architecture. If network architecture security is not managed properly, then it can cause to raise the specific risks like loss of data, loss of data integrity and denial of service. Network architecture is a framework designed to meet its operational principles and requirements. Now a days, new types of devices are being introduced in organization to address the business needs, which may

Friday, December 20, 2019

Hector as the True Hero of Homer’s Iliad Essay - 2389 Words

Hector is the True Hero of Iliad In todays society, a mans mind is his most important tool. In the past, however, a mans courage and strength is all that he had to keep him alive. In Homers Iliad, courage is valued over honesty and even faithfulness to ones wife. If a hero is the most courageous man in the bunch, then Hector is more heroic than Achilles and King of the Myrmidons. Hector is the true hero of Homers Iliad. Although Achilles and Hector are both leaders of men, Hector leads with a mature sense that gives his men reason to respect him. In turn, Hector respects his men which gives fulfillment to both parties. Hector is not a man to sit around and mull over strategies and ideas - Hector is a man of action.†¦show more content†¦At first glance, god-like makes sense, because Achilles is descended from the immortals. As the book progresses, Achilles seems to drift as far away from the definition of god-like (as a beneficent being) as one can get. However, after considering the behavior of the gods/goddesses in Homeric times, Ive come to the conclusion that maybe god-like really is the correct description of Achilles. His ability to kill effortlessly and watch people die without mercy is in keeping with many of Olympus inhabitants. His fickle disposition is very god-like as well. The introduction to the Fagles translation describes a god as someone who is completely wrapped up in their own power, who sees others natures as obstacles to be overcome, and someone who is unable to question or criticize themselves. This is Achilles in a nutshell. Killing seems associated with being similar to a god. Hector is referred to as godlike only when he is triumphing over the corpse of a fallen Greek soldier. I found it interesting that the gods assist both Achilles and Hector in their respective battles. I would think that the gods would help Hector more, because he was a just man, but Hector is handed victory by Zeus only for a short time, while Achilles always appears to have divine intervention. This seems unfair, as Hector is the more godfearing of the two. He has more respect for the gods/goddesses, as weShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Homer s Iliad, Heroism801 Words   |  4 Pages​In Homer’s Iliad, heroism plays a major role in the two idols the reader will side with; Achilles or Hector. Society’s image of a hero demands for an altruistic, strong, and compassionate figure, but Homer refutes this idea of a hero. Homer’s Iliad demonstrates that in a realistic society, there is no such thing as a complete hero, and that true heroism does not exist. ​Achilles, the Achaean trophy soldier, was the creation of a mortal named Paleus and of a Goddess named Thetis. Because of his immortalityRead MoreAnalysis Of The Iliad 915 Words   |  4 Pagesas evidence to support this line. One such work of literature is Homer’s great epic, The Iliad. This poem, encompassing the telling of the great Trojan War, is one of the best examples of such a text. Throughout the text, it lays before the reader many separate scenes of violence, rather than grouping all of the battles together into one war like historic anthologies do. There are many scenes of violence throughout the poem, The Iliad, many of which contribute to the complete work, a small selectionRead MoreAn Essay on the Illiad868 Words   |  4 Pagesa ‘student of his culture’ and thus both The Iliad and The Odyssey are directed sources of their own period. Select any one episode or scene from either of the poems as one that you feel is most memorable. What doe s it tell about Homeric culture? A writer is a reflection of his age. A work of art is considered a mirror of the customs, culture, and concepts of the age to which it belongs. Homer’s writings are a true representation of this. His Iliad and Odyssey both reflect the old Greek cultureRead MoreThe Iliad, By Homer1141 Words   |  5 PagesThe Iliad, along with the Odyssey, is one of two epics handed down through the Homeric tradition in the Greek Dark Ages, considered by many to be the Heroic Age. However, the key issue lies with the fact that ancient Greeks define a ‘hero’ very differently from what we would consider a ‘hero’ to be today. In ancient Greece, a hero is any human descended from the gods and bequeathed with superhuman abilities. By this definition, Achilles is immediately classified as a hero, no matter his actions.Read MoreThe Iliad Vs. Troy1692 Words   |  7 PagesSlater Poem vs Film The Iliad vs â€Å"Troy† Achilles and Hector fighting with Athena and Apollo on both sides of the Warriors Introduction Written by the ancient Greek poet, Homer, The Iliad was an epic documented on the nearly 10-year long war between the Trojans and the Greeks. Although the epic had occurred in 1194–1184 BC, the epic was passed down through generations, orally, until Homer wrote the Iliad 500 years after the Trojan war in 750 BC. An adaptation of the Homers’ Iliad is David Benioff’sRead MoreThe Era Of Homer By Homer911 Words   |  4 Pagessomewhere around 8th century BC and was possibly one of the first literate authors. Other theories suggest that he only spoke his epics and they were put into writing by others. Homer’s stories show us the first glimpse of documented information of Greek myth and religion. Most important was the creation of Homer’s writing style named the Homeric epic. He was the first author to write epics and his writing style held strongly as the first major literature of its type in western civilization.Read MoreIliad - Self image1193 Word s   |  5 Pagesï » ¿The Iliad Essay Prompt 1. Complete one take home essay. Provide textual evidence, specific lines and incidents from The Iliad that proves your thesis. You may also draw from The Odyssey. Use in text parenthetical documentation according to MLA standards. The style guide that many colleges use is We will use this style guide for both MLA format and grammar and mechanics. If you have any questions about MLA format, refer to This paper needs to read asRead MoreAchilles Slaughtered The Great Trojan Hero Essay1271 Words   |  6 PagesAchilles slaughtered the great Trojan hero, Hector and single-handedly changed the tide of the battle. He was a marvelous Greek hero, but his accomplishments paled in comparison to his friend Odysseus. In addition to accruing glory and fame in the Trojan War, Odysseus went on to write history in an epic journey all across the Mediterranean to return to his family. Odysseus acquired more kleos than any other Greek hero in Homer’s epics. The Greeks considered kleos to be the measure of a manRead MoreAchilles Slaughtered The Greatest Trojan Hero Essay1276 Words   |  6 Pages Achilles slaughtered the greatest Trojan hero, Hector and singlehandedly changed the tide of the battle. Achilles was a marvelous Greek hero, but his accomplishments were minor compared to his friend Odysseus. He also accrued glory and fame in the Trojan War but in addition went on to write history in an epic journey all across the Mediterranean to get home to his family. Odysseus acquired more kleos than any other Greek hero in Homer’s epics. In the Greek’s eyes, kleos was the measure ofRead MoreQualities of a Hero Illustrated in Homer’s Epic Poem, The Iliad632 Words   |  3 Pages The Ancient Greeks idealized and worshiped their heroes, this is portrayed in Homer’s epic poem, The Iliad. To become a hero in ancient Greece, one would have to live and die in pursuit of glory and honor. Both Achilles and Hector seek victory in battle to become the â€Å"true hero.† Although both characters possess many hero-like qualities, Hector proved to be the genuine hero. Heroes are viewed differently today as the average person who is admired for courage or outstanding achievements

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Issue in Corporate Failure of Bank free essay sample

It also raised millions of revenue by accounting techniques to show false profits and hided their losses which occur in trading and bad debt. The biggest bank fraud in history According to Manhattan District Attorney Robert M. Morgenthau, the BCCI scandal that came to light in 1991 was the largest bank fraud in world history. Perhaps no other criminal enterprise has involved or at least embarrassed so many prominent people, from billionaire Arab sheikhs to Third World dictators to present and former leading figures in the U. S. and British governments. Certainly none could match the international web of financial chicanery, political intrigue, and unsavoury figures with which BCCI was said to be associated. (Source: Encyclopaedia Encarta 2007) BCCI was engaged in four major frauds. One was a cover-up of $633m of losses on treasury trading. The second was the illegal acquisition through nominees of several banks in the US, in which it spend 6m. We will write a custom essay sample on Issue in Corporate Failure of Bank or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The third was a complex manipulation of accounts to prop up its largest borrower, the gulf shipping group of Pakistan, to which it lent more than $725m, which was over the limit set by banking regulations. The fourth was fundamental fraud by which BCCI allegedly acquire secret control of 56% of its own shares at a cost of over $500m. BCCI was a serpent eating its own tail. These sums add up to more than $2bn. But this is a minimum: it omits the enormous cost to BCCI of financing its secret losses. The manipulation to cover up the fraud involved another $2bn, bringing the grand total to well over $4bn. BCCI frauds were the main reasons for its corporate failure. The scale the fraud is breathtaking enough. But while most frauds involve the disappearance of real money, BCCI did the exact opposite. It manufactured billions of dollars out of nothing to conceal gaping holes in its balance sheet, like a giant game of ‘Double Your Money’. This involved extraordinary financial gymnastics and illegal loans on a huge scale. When BCCI finally came crashing down, it was not with a thud, but in a shower of paper. (Behind Closed Door: FT Publication) BCCI initiated every single route to excel its growth. In a first place its corporate structure was so complicated which involved uses of shell corporations frequently termed as satellites, bank confidentiality and secrecy. BCCI’s top management including nominees which also includes some famous personalities in politics were involved in corruption and made it a supreme atmosphere for crime. BCCI’s criminalities included, †¢Fraud by BCCI and BCCI customers involving billions of dollars; money laundering in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas; †¢BCCIs bribery of officials in most of those locations, †¢Support of terrorism, arms trafficking, and the sale of nuclear technologies; †¢Management of prostitution; †¢The commission and facilitation of income tax evasion, smuggling, and illegal immigration; †¢Illicit purchases of banks and real estate. Source: Walker, L. 2001) Abdul Basir, head of BCCI Pakistan operation, says: â€Å"We looked after clients in the most efficient, personalised manner. † The diamond market which is home to Lahore’s famous dancing girls, Prostitutes, who for centuries have provided entertainment for emperors and their cour tiers – and latterly for politicians, Arab Sheikhs and bankers. BCCI used these girls to treat Arabs rich businessmen and major shareholders. BCCI’s Zafar Iqbal, former chief executive, was in charge of managing prostitutes. Corporate Failure of BCCI There were two main reasons of BCCI’s corporate failure apart from their criminal activities. These were high risk loans and trading. A bank’s treasury plays a key role in managing its financial affairs by trading large amounts of money and currencies. Some if this dealing is done on behalf of clients. But bank treasuries also speculate on whether currencies will rise or fall, using their own money. BCCI was no exception. According to Price Waterhouse, the bank combined these two activities by trading huge amounts of clients’ money – but in its own name, and without their knowledge.