Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Pascal's Wager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pascal's Wager - Essay Example Pascal's Penses, then, is totally different from conventional reasoning since it endeavors to provide practical reasons for belief in God. Taking the gambler's parlance, Pascal is saying that one should "wager that God exists because it is our best bet (Hajek). According to Ryan (1994), this line of reasoning has roots in the writings of Plato, Arnobius, Lactantius. Pascal's wager, in a nutshell, is: if you believe in God and he does not exist, you share the same fate as those who do not believe in God - death. However, if He does exist, you stand to gain salvation, while the unbeliever still faces a static destiny - death. So the believer, technically, has nothing to lose and all to gain, while the unbeliever whether right or not about his or her wager will only face death in the end. Therefore it is only logical to wager on the choice that makes the most sense - belief in God. It, in a sense is a philosophical win-win situation. Pascal maintains that we are incapable of knowing whether God exists or not, yet we must "wager" one way or the other. Reason cannot settle which way we should incline, but a consideration of the relevant outcomes supposedly can. Pascal's line of reasoning is intriguing.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Thailand the Struggle for Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Thailand the Struggle for Success - Essay Example The import substitution policy was then replaced in the mid-1970s with the policies to boost exports. The impact of this shift in policy meant that not only Thailand now had a strong agrarian and industrialized economy but it also diversified in a sense that its economic structure became export-led which had a portfolio as diversified that it included textiles, electronics, chemicals, iron and steel, and minerals. One of the reasons for this diversity in the portfolio was the abundance of labor and natural resources. Thus, Thailand took complete advantage of globalization and its economy reported a growth in its average real GDP of 6.6% from 1960 to 1996 (The Brooker Plc p.8-9). This growth is the average growth rate in these years, there were also years in which Thailand witnessed exponential growth rate in terms of GDP and until 1997, Thailand was all set become the regional hub of the business and commerce activities in the region. Before 1997 Thailand implemented a policy of fixed exchange rate. Its exchange rate was pegged against the dollar. This effectively reduced the transaction costs attached to the inflow and outflow of investments. This obviously resulted in speedy growth as a result of the foreign direct investment. Unfortunately, the lack of foresight and anticipation on the part of Thai government led to the settlement of an economy which was heavily dependent on this direct investment. This policy saw its negative ambiance when in 1997 the investors lost confidence in the recovery of their investments and thus began to keep a check on their investments. The trigger down effect led to heavy speculations against baht and the local investors sold baht and bought more dollars. This caused the capital outflows from the country. But the real impact was felt when the government decided to float the exchange rate.